Kids Paintball
  • Kids Paintball
  • Kids Paintball
  • Kids Paintball

Kids Paintball

Side event for kids from 12-17


(bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")


This package includes rental equipment with .50 calibre markers, mask and battle pack. There is also a separate kids' camp on the grounds, where children and young people can spend the night. There will be games on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., all under professional supervision and guidance. Exciting  missions will inspire the kids and give them plenty to talk about for weeks to come. After the game day, the kids camp continues with e.g. dinner together, parlour games and games of skill, etc.
Attention: The tickets are limited to 30 participants!

The required waiver can be found on our "Downloads" page, but is also available as printout on the event.
